ster's Cares and Yours, will now be almost solely confin'd, to the keeping the general Peace we are in with all Nations safe and undisturb'd, and to promote our Trade wherever our Industry and Profit can extend it.
But your Lordship is too usefully employ'd with such Cares, to listen to my awkward Compliments how sincere soever, and therefore I shall leave them; and since you are pleas'd to think I am capable of giving you some Light into the State of Things here, which by my long residence I must have some tolerable Knowledge of, I shall obey your Commands herein with the small Abilities I am Master of.
I shall not trouble your Lordship with any historical Events relating to these People, since the Ottoman Line was extinguished in Mahomet IX. and the Tartar Race succeeded. This was many Centuries since foretold, as well as the Decline of this great Empire, and that a Mahomet would be the last of that Family, as it has really happened. Juxton, the laborious Writer of the 19th Century, has given us so full a Detail of their Affairs, that they are known to all the learned World as well as your Lordship; I shall therefore onlydwell