Maſter's Avarice or Jealouſy brings in, this unweildy diſpirited Empire would almoſt ſink, for want of vital Nouriſhment.
Under all this Oppreſſion, there is not one found who dares even lament his own and Fellow-ſubjects Miſery, or who will not pretend at leaſt to Glory, in calling himſelf the Grand Seignior's Slave, and owning that he has no title either to his Life or Liberty, his Lands, Houſe or Subſtance, but from the ſole Will of his mighty Emperor. A Reflection which I cannot make, but with the honeſt Joy every Britton muſt feel, who ſees himſelf ſecur'd by Laws of his own making, in his Liberty, Life and Property, above the Reach of the higheſt Power and the ſtrongeſt Arm; and in Peace and Security under his own Vine and Fig-tree, enjoys from the beſt of Conſtitutions, and (the uſual and natural Conſequence thereof,) the beſt Princes, all the Bleſſings Men can aſk for as Freemen and Chriſtians.
I ſhall detain your Lordſhip no further, than with two or three Words, as to ſomecon-