conſiderable Alterations of late Years in their Laws and Cuſtoms, by which they have endeavour'd to retrieve the Virtue and Majeſty of this falling Empire, and which they owe chiefly to the Skill and Ability of the Renegado Vizier Ibrahim, who flouriſh'd in the middle of this Century. Many of them I ſincerely wiſh with ſome Alterations could be tranſplanted into our Country and Conſtiution, and, if that Exceſs of Liberty we abound in would allow it, I doubt not we ſhould find our Account in them.
The firſt I ſhall touch upon is the Method he took to cure the Defects of their Diſcipline and Courage, which he found ſo low, and endeavour'd to raiſe ſo high. To effect this, he divided all the Troops into Battalions and Squadrons of about 1000 or 1500 Men. Each of theſe Bodies were raiſed from one particular Province, whoſe name they carried, from whence alone their Officers and Recruits came; and conſequently whenever they fought, the Glory or Diſgrace of the Country to which they belong'd, and where they were born, was directly concern'd. By this means both Men and Officers fought ſtill with the greater Emulation and Deſire of diſtinguiſhingthem-