Bibliography of Mnemonics.
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1877. | Begg, E. W.: Mnemonics; System of Aids to Memory. 12mo. $1.50. Cincinn., Chase & Hall. |
1877. | Younghusband, J. H. How to Remember. 28. London. |
1879. | Stokes, Wm. Rapid Arithmetic, for Rapidly Teach-ing to Calculate. 18mo. 1s. London, Houlston. E. C. |
1879. | Stokes, Wm. Rapid Drawing. 18mo. 1s. London, Houlston. E. C. |
1879. | Moigno, F. N. M.: Manuel de Mnómotechnie, Pre-mière partie, Application à l'Histoire. 12mo. 3fr. Paris. |
1880. | Hartley, Chas. How to Improve the Memory. London. |
1880. | Laurie, Thos.: The Whole Art of Memory. London. |
1880. | Granville, J. M.: Secret of a Good Memory. 12mo. 18. London, Bogue. |
1880. | Appleby, F.: Phonetical Memory. 1s. London, Pitman. |
1882. | Fitz-Simon, E. A. Historical Epochs, with System of Mnemonics. 12mo. 50c. N. Y., Taintor. |
1882. | Middleton, A. E. Memory Aids and How to Use Them. London. |
1882. | Wollacott, F. C. Phrenotypics; or, The Science of Memory. 6d. London. |
1882. | Dalziel, Allan Mnemonics Applied to History. |
1884. | Stokes, William. Houlston & Sons, London. Rapid Music. Part I. 1s. Memory-Aiding Music Staff. 1s. Memory-Aiding Music Scales. 18. Pocket Key-Board. Piano, &c. 1s. Pictorial Multiplication. In Book or Sheet. Is. Memory-Aiding Extended Multiplication Table. 6d. Historical Chronometer. 2d Edition. 4to, paper case. 18. Mnemonical Globe. 17th Thousand. In case, colored. 1s. Memory Aids for England and Wales. 6d. Memory Aids for Elocution. 6d. French Genders in Five Minutes. 6d. German Genders Simplified. 6d. |