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have figured bo prominentlj in oar history.

DEWAB, Jamxs, M.A., P.E.S., was bom. in 1S42 at Kincardine-on- Forth, Scotland, and was educated at Dollar Academy and the University of Edinbnrgh. About 1863 he was a}^»ointed assistant to Dr. Lyon Playfair, then Professor of Che- mistry in the Uniyersity of Edin- burgh, from whom he received his chemical training. Subsequently he studied at Qhent, under the c^e- brated Professor Anguste Eekerlie, now of Bonn. He was Demonstrator of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh, Lecturer on Chemistry at the Dick Veterinary College, and Chemist to the Highland and Agri- coltoral Society. At present he is Jacksonian Professor of " Natural Experimental Philos<n>hy" in the University of Cambridge, and Pul- lerian Prof^»or of Chemistry in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. He is M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, and F.B.S. of London and Edinburgh. Professor Dewar is Uie author of papers on organic and physical chemistry, viz., on

  • ' The Oxidation Products of Pioo-

line," "Transformation of Chino- line into Aniline," " Physical Con- stants of Hydrogenien," and " Specific Heat of Carbon at High Temperature." He also published the well-known investigation on the " Physiological Action of Light," in connection with Professor McEendrick of Glasgow, wherein the authors proved that the effect of light on the living retina is to produce a sudden alteration of its electrical condition; and this was proved to hold through the whole Ani maT w orld.

DHULEEP SINGH, Tra Maha- rajah, G.C.S J., son of the famous Bunjeet Singh, the Bajah of the Pimjaub,wa0bominl8d8. Dhuleep w&B an infant when his father died, and the demoralized state of the regency and ajrmy induced the BnUah ministry to annex the prmcipality tmder certain condi-

tions ; one being that the young Maharajah should receive four lacs of rupees, equivalent to £4/0,000 sterling, per annum. Afterwards the Mabarajah became a Christian, took up his abode in England, and was naturalized. His mother, the notorious Kanee, also resided in this country until her death in 1863, but resisted steadfastly all persuasion to become a convert to Christianity. It was at one time supposed that the Maharajah would take for a wife the Princess Victoria of Coorg; but in 1861 he was married at the British Consulate at Alexandria, to a young Protes- tant lady, a British subject. The Maharajah has purchased an estate near Thetford, where he resides.

DICEY, Edward, second son of the late T. E. Dicey, Esq., of Ciay- brook Hall, Liecestershire, born in Mav, 1832, was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1854. He has contributed to the Fortnightly Review, 8t. Paul's, and Macmillan's MagaMtne, and other periodicals, and was for some years a constant contributor to the Daily Telegraph, for which he has acted as special correspondent in different parts of the continent. While travelling in the East, Mr. Dicey was asked to undertake the editorship of the DaUy News, He held this post for about three months in 1870, but left it, as he stated in a communi- cation which he addressed to the Spectator newspaper, "on account of a divergence of opinion between himself and its proprietary, as to the conditions under which he had accepted the editorship." Imme- diately on quitting the Daily News Mr.Dicey waso£ferred,and accepted, the editorship of the Observer, a position which he now holds. He is the author of "A Memoir of Cavourj" "Rome in I860;" "The Schleswig-Holstein War," 18GJ, ; " The Battle-fields of 1866," pub- lished in 1866; "A Month in BuBsia during the Marriage of the