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Jzarewich/' 1867 j " The Morning iand," an account of three months' our in the East, 1870 ; and " Victor Emmanuel " in the " New Plutarch leries," 1882.

DICKINSON, Anna Elizabeth. om in Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 1842, he received her early education in be free schools of the Society of- Viends, to which her family be- )nged. At the age of seventeen iie left school, and for the next wo years was a teacher. In Jan. B60. she made her first public peech at a Friends' Meeting in Philadelphia, her subject l^ing Woman's Eights and Wrongs." "rom this period she was a frequent peaker in tiiese meetings, usually pon temperance and slavery. In le meantime she obtained a situa- on in the United States Mint at hiladelphia, from which she was Lsmissed on account of some sharp imarks which she made respecting le battle of Ball's Bluff, one of le early engagements of the civil ar. She then made lecturing her rofession, speaking mainly on >cial and political topics, and at- >acting large audiences. In 1868 le published a novel, "What nswer ? ** continuing her career as lecturer. About 1875 she resolved > enter upon the dramatic prof es- on as author and actress. She \a brought out two plays, " Mary udor" (1876), and "Anne Boleyn" 877), in both of which she played le leading character, with only oderate success. In 1879 she iblished " A Bagged Register of Bople, Places, and Opinions." DICKINSON, William How- iip, M.D.,.was born June 9, 1832, I Brighton, and educated at Caius )llege, Cambridge, and St.Gteorge's ospital, London. He was ap- »inted Curator of the Pathological useum, St. Gteorge's Hospital, 1861, ibsequently assistant physician id lecturer ; assistant physician 861), and subsequently physician 869) to the Hospital for Sick lildren. Dr. Dickinson was for-

merly Examiner in Medicine at tl University of Cambridge ai Honorary Secretary to the Path logical Society. He has mai extensive researches in connectu with pathology, physiology, ai practical medicine, of wMch tl following are the more importan — On the Action of Digitalis up< the Uterus, describing for the fir time its contractile effect upon thi organ (1855) ; on the Pathology ( the Kidney, distinguishing diseai of the intertubular structures fro: that of the tubes, and asserting tl intertubular origin of granuh degeneration (1859, 1860, 1861) ; c the Function of the CerebeUuE assigning to this organ an especii effect upon the lower limbs (1865] on the Nature of the so-callc Amyloid or Lardaceous Degenen tions, pointing out its connectic with Suppuration and consequei loss of AlkaU (1867) ; on the Natui of the enlargement of the Viscei which occurs in Rickets, showin the affection of these Organs to I analogous to that of Uie Bon< (1869) ; on the Futility of Counte: irritation as a Method of Treai ment; on the Changes produce in the Nervous System by th Amputation of Limbs ; on Chroni Hydrocephalus, pointing out th frequent origin of the disease i cranial relaxation ; on Diabetei showing the general presence c structural changes in the nervou system, and referring the symptom to organic change, instead of, a hitherto, to functional derange ment. Most of the precediuj papers are published in the Trane actions of the Medico-Chirurgica Society. Dr. Dickinson is also th author of a work " On the Patholog and Treatment of AlbuminuriaJ 1869 ; and " Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Derangement," Part I, 1875.

DIEEINGER, Francis Xavier D.D., Canon in Cologne Cathedra and Professor of Theology in tin University of Bonn, was born ii