especially his two sonatas for the violin, but some of his other com- positions may be described as being decidedly artificial.
GEINDON, LiJOPOLD Habtlet, bom at Bristol, March 28, 1818, was educated at Wring^n, Somer- setshire, and the Bristol College, and was appointed Lecturer on Botany at the Boyal School of Me- dicine, Manchester, in 1851, which appointment he resigned after about twenty years. His chief works are : —"The Manchester Flora;" "Bri- tish and Garden Botany ;" " Man- chester Walks and Wild Flowers ;" "Life J its Nature, Varieties, and Phenomena ;" " The Divine Bene- volence in the Little Things of Nature;" "Figurative Language: its Origin and Constitution ;" " Man and Woman the Archetyi)es of Nature ;" " Emblems : a Bird's- eye View of the Analogies and Symbolism of the ExtemalWorld ;" "The Trees of Old England ;" " Echoes in Plant and Flower-life ;" " Manchester Banks and Bankers ;" " Lancashire ; " " Country Bambles in Cheshire, Lancashire," &c. ; and " The Shakspere Flora" (1883). He is preparing for publication a work on " Scripture Botany."
GROSS, Samuel D., M.D., born near Easton, Pennsylvania, July 8, 1805. He graduated M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1828, and commenced the practice of medicine in Philadelphia tiie same year. After having filled pro- fessorships in several memcal schools, he became, in 1866, Pro- fessor of Surgery in the Jefferson Medical College, in Philadelphia. In Oct., 1882, he retired from active professional work. Besides editing for several years the North American Medieo-Chirurgical Review, he has translated a number of medical works, and has published the following: "Diseases and In- juries of the Bones and Joints" (1830) ; " Elements of Pathological Anatomy" (1839); "Wounds of the Intestines" (18«) ; "Diseases,
Injuries, and Malformations of th£ Urinary Organs" (1851) j Foreigd Bodies in the Air-passagea " (1850) | " Eesults of Surgical Operations ii^ Malignant Diseaaes " (1853) ; " Ee^ port on the Causes which retard the Progress of American Medical Literature" (1856); "System of Surgery" (1859, 8rd edit., 1864); " American Medical Biography " (1861) ; "Manual of Military Sur- gery" (1861); and "John Hunter and his Pupils" (1881).
OBOUSSET, Paschal, a French Communist, born in Corsica about 1845. He is the son of a President of a college, and early went to Paris to study medicine, but became a journalist, and eventually joined itochefort in the Mar$eiUai$e, and wrote for the Revanche, a Corsican journal. Prince Pierre Bonaparte having challenged Rochefort for articles which Q-rousset had written, the latter sent Victor Noir and Ulrich de Fonvielle as his seconds to the Prince, by whom Noir was killed, Jan. 10, 1870. The Prince was tried and acquitted, and G-rousset was arrested and fined for his violet articles in the Mar- 9eiUai$e. He became Director of that journal after the proclamation of the Bepublic, Sept. 4, but sus- pended its publication in conse- quence of Bocheforfs disavowal of its tendency. The fiercest of the journals wMch he next edited was La Bouche de Per. He became the Foreign Minister of the Cental Committee after the insurrection of March 18, 1871, and on being elected to the Commune, he con- tinued to hold the same position, and in April he became a mem- ber of the new Executive Com- mission. He was arrested on June 3, disguised in the attii« of his mistress, being betrayed by His bearing, which had made him con- spicuous as the most fashionable member of the Commune. He was transported to New Caledonia ^ 1872, but escaped in March, 187^> and came to England, vi^ ^