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FiandBoo and New York. He was not oompriaed in the decrees of asmegty signed by President Qr^vj in JalT, 1879.

GBOYE^ Sib Geobge, born at Clapbain, Surrey, in 1820, was ddiKated as a civil engineer. In 1S41 be was entrusted with the erection of the first cast-iron %iithou8e constructed, on Morant Point, Jamaica, and in 1844 of a similar tower on Gibbe' Hill, Ber- muda. On his return to England, he joined the staff of the late Mr. Bobert Stevenson, by whom he wm employed on the works of the Chester and Holyhead Bailway and the Britannia Bridge. In 1850 he socoeeded Mr. Scott Bussell as Secretary to the Society of Arts, and on the formation of the Crystal Palace Company in 1852 was appointed its secretary, a posi- tion he occupied till the end of 1873. After this he became a member of the Board of Direction of the Company, and retained his a^t until 1878. He is associated with the house of Macmillan and Co., publishers. For them he is miderstood to have edited Jfoc- miUaw's Magazine for some years. He is also editor of a " Dictionary of Music and Musicians (a.d. 1450- 1882)/' now publishing in parts. Some of the principal biographies — amongst^them Beethoven, Mendels- sohn, and Schubert — are from his pen. Sir George Ghrove was one of the principal contributors to the " Dic- tM»My of the Bible," edited by Dr. WiUiEun Smith, and has taken an active part in the formation of the Palestine Exploration Fund, under the patronage of Her Majesty. The University of Durham con- ferred on Mr. Grove (June 26, 1875) the honorary dejgree of D.C.L., in i^^cognition of his eminent services to literature. His analyses of classical orchestral music for the ^turday Concerts at the Crystal ™aoe, and his zeal as a propagan- ™ of good music, are well known. Early in 1882 he was appointed by

the Prince of Wales to be Director of the "Eoyal College of Music" which H.B.H. is estabUshingat Ken- sington. Sir George Grove is one of the literary executors of the late Dean of Westminster, with whom he visited the Dnited States in 1878. He was knighted by the Queen at Windsor, May 24, 1883. He is married to Harriet, daughter of the late Bev. Charles Bradley.

GBOVE, Thb Hon. Sib Wil- liam BoBBBT, D.C.L., F.E.S., son of John Grove, Esq., Swansea, a Justice of the Peace, and a Deputy- Lieutenant of Glamorganshire, was bom July 11, 1811. He was edu- cated by the Bev. E. Griffiths, of Swansea, the Bev. J. Kilvert, of Bath, and at Braeenose College, Oxford, where he proceeded to the degree of M.A. in 1883. Two years later he was called to the Bar at Lincoln's Inn. Being tempor- arily prevented by ill-health from following the legal profession, he turned his attention to the study of electricity, and succeeded in 1839 in contriving the powerful voltaic battery which bears his name. He was Professor of Experimental Philosophy at the London Institu- tion from 1840 till 1847, and he took an active part, as member of the Council, in the business of the Boyal Society, particularly in the reform of its constitution, effected, after a severe struggle, in 1847. Mr. Grove, who became a Q.C. in 1853, was for some years the leader of the South Wales and Chester circuits, a member of the Metro- politan Commission of Sewers, and one of the Boyal Commissioners on Patent Law. He was President of the British Association at Notting- ham in 1866, when he selected for the subject of his address the Con- tinuity of Natural Phenomena, as evinced bjr the recent progress of science, his object being to show that l^e changes in the inorganic world, in the suocession of organ- ized beings, and in the progress of human toowledge, result from