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the services rendered by Mm during the severe illness of the Prince of Wales at the dose of the previous year; and in the following month he was appointed one of Her Ma- jesty's Physicians Extraordinary. In 1888 he resigned the position which for twelve years he had held in the General Medical Council as one of the Crown members. Sir William Gull is President of the Clinical Society^ a Fellow of the Boyal Medico-Chirurgical Society, a member of the General Medical Council, an honorary Doctor of Civil Law of Oxford (1868), and a Fellow of the Eoyal Society (1869). He is the author of "Gulstonian Lectures on Paralysis;" of trea- tises on " Hypochondiiasis," and on "Abscess of the Brain j" "Re- ports on Epidemic Cholera. Drawn up at the desire of the Cholera dommittee of the Eoyal College of Physicians" (in conjunction with Dr. William Baly), 1854; "An Oration delivered before the Hun- terian Society, February 18, 1861;" " Clinical Observation in Relation to Medicine in Modern Times," an address delivered in the Divinity School, Oxford, on the occasion of the meeting of the British Associa- tion in that city in 1868; and " The Harveian Oration, delivered at the Boyal College of Physicians, Lon- don, June 24, 1870." The latter work led to the publication of " The Hystery of Life; an Essay in reply to Dr. Gull's attack on the Theory of Vitality in his Harveian Oration for 1870. By Lionel S. Beale, M.B., F.E.S.," London 1871. Sir W. Giill has also been a frequent contributor to the reports of Guy's Hospital. His speciality lies in clinical practice. He married, in 1848, Susan Anne, daught^ of Colonel J. Dacre Lacy, of Carlisle. GUNTHEB, Albert Charles Lewis Gotthilf, M.A., Ph.D., M.D., F.B.S., born at Esslingen (Wartemberg), Oct. 3, 1832, and educated at the Universities of Tiibingen, Berlin, and Bonn, en-

tered the service of the Trustees of the British Museum in 1858, and was appointed Keeper of the De- partment of Zoology in 1875; since that time he has devoted himself exclusively to the administration of the extensive collections imder his charee. Dr. Gtlnther, who is a menu>er of several academies and learned societies at home and abroad, has published: — " Die Fische des Neckars," Stuttgart, 1853; " Medicinische Zoologie," Stuttgart, 1858; "Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum," London, 1858; " Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum," 1859; " The Kep- tUesof British India," 1864; "Cata- logue of Fishes," vols. 1-8, London, 1859-70; " The Fishes of the South Seas," Hamburg, 1873-78; "The Gigantic Land Tortoises, Living and Extinct," London, 1877; and numerous papers in the Philosophi- cal Transactions, the Proceedings of the Zoological and Linnean So- cieties, and other periodicals. He is the founder of the "Becord of Zoological Literature," of which he has edited the first six volumes (1864-70); and co-editor of the " Annals and Magazine of Natural History."

GUENET, The Rev. Abcheb Thompson, born in 1820, was for some years a barrister of the Middle Temple. Having been ordained in 1849, he filled various posts, was for four years curate at Bucking- ham, and more recently officiated for twelve years as chaplain to an English congregation in the Cour des Coches, Paris. He resigned that charge in 1870. Mr. Gumey was evening Lecturer of Holy Trinity, Westminster, 1872-74; curate of Holy Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1874-76; curate in change of St. Andrew's (Iron Church), Hastings, 1877-78; and assisted at St. Katherine's Hospital, Be- genf s Park, 1879-80. He is the author of "Charles I.," a dramatic