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poem^ dedicated to the memory of "The Eoyal Martyr;" of "Ser- mons," in English and in French ; a treatise, called " Restoration ; " " Reasons for Living and Dying in the Communion of the Church of England;" and of some volumes of poems — "Spring," "Songs of the P resen t," &c.

GUTHRIE, James Cabgill, born August 27, 1814, at Aimiefoul farm, in the parish of Glamis, Forfar- shire, of which farm his father was tenant, being descended from a long line of proprietors and agri- culturists in the Vale of Strath- more. He can trace his descent from James Guthrie, the famous Scotch worthy, and his mother was descended from the no less famous Donald Cargill, who suf- fered for the same cause in 1681. He was educated at the parish school of Kinnettles and Montrose Academy. Being intended by his parents for the Church, he then successfully studied for some years in the University of Edinburgh. Disappointed in his early hopes and ambition, he then entered the mercantile world, and all his writ- ings and published works have consequently been produced amidst the cares of a busy life. He was appointed in 1868 Principal Libra- rian to the Dundee Free Library, the first institution of the kind established under the Free Libra- ries Act in Scotland. In 1851, his first work, "Village Scenes," a long descriptive poem, appeared anonymously. It is now in its fifth edition. In 1854 he pub- lished "The First False Step," now in its third edition; in 1859, " Wedded Love," now in its second edition ; in 1865, " My Lost Love, &c.;" followed in 1867, by " Sum- mer Flowers." In 1871, he pub- lished " Rowena," a semi-dramatic poem in blank verse ; and in 1882, " Woodland Echoes," a voliime of miscellaneous poems and songs. In 1875 he published his first prose work, "The Vale of Strathmore," a

second edition of which is already demanded. He is also the author of several popular songs, among which may be noticed, " The Bonnie Braes o' Ainlie ; " " The Flower of Strathmore ; " " Hail, Loch Maree ! *' "Bonnie Nelly, Winsome Nelly," which have taken a high place among standard Scotch songs. In 1829, when a mere youth, he assis- ted to establish and conduct the Christian Reporter, the first cheap religious periodical published in Scotland. In 1882, he published several anthems, hymns, and part- songs, including " Hosanna ! " " Hark, strike the Timbrel High ! " "AUelujah!" "Hark! hark! the Angels are Singing ! " " Ten Thou- sand Harps, your strings attune ! " "Triune God! O Hear!" and " Rosy Breaks the Morning." These anthems and hymns have been set to original music, with organ ac- companiment for Church service, by Dr. William Spark, and other eminent composers, and sung in churches by select choirs with great effect, and have become generally popular.

GUTHRIE, William, was born at Culhom, Stranraer, N.B., 1835, being son of the late George Guthiie, Esq., of Appleby and Er- nambrie. He was educated at Glasgow and Edinburgh Univer- sities, and was admitted an advo- cate at the Scotch bar in 1861. Mr. Guthrie was appointed one of the Commissioners under the Truck Commission Act, in Dec. 1871 ; Registrar of Friendly Societies in Scotland, from Oct. 1872, to Feb. 1874; and Sheriff-substitute of Lanarkshire at Glasgow, Jan. 1874. He edited the Journal of Jurisprudence (Edinburgh) from 1866 to 1874 ; and was one of the Reporters of Court of Session Cases, Scotland, from 1871 to 1874. He has published a translation of Savigny on " Private International Law," (System of Modern Roman Law, vol. viii.) 1869 ; an edition of Erskine's "Principles of Scots