Law," 1870, second edit. 1874 ; two editions of Bell's "Principles of the Law of Scotland," 1871 and 1876; and "The Law of Trade Unions in England and Scotland,*' 1873.
GUY, William Augustus, M.B., F.E.S., born at Chichester in 1810, was educated at Christ's Hospital, London, at Guy'ff Hospital, and at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.B. in 1837, having obtained previously the Fothergillian prize medal in 1831 for an essay on asthma. Dr. Ghiy was appointed in 1838 to the chair of Forensic Medicine in King's College, London ; and became Phy- sician to King's College Hospital, having the care of the out-patients, in 1842 J Dean of the Medical De- partment from 1846 to 1858; and Professor of Hjpene in 1869. He was admitted a Fellow of the Boyal College of Physicians in 1844, held office as Censor in 1855, 1856, and 1866 ; as Examiner in 1861-63 ; and was appointed Croonian, Lumleian, and E^uveian Lecturer in 1861, 1868, and 1875. Dr. Guy has also held the following appointments : — Hon. Secretary to the Statistical Society, 1845 ; Vice-President, 1869 ; President, 1873 ; Hon. Secretary to the Health of Towns Association, 1846 ; Medical Superintendent of Millbank Convict Prison, 1859; Examiner in Forensic Medicine at the University of London, 1862; Swiney Prizeman, .1869; Vice- President of the Eoyal Society, 1876-77. He is author of a long series of essays on the pulse and respiration and other points in physiology, on statistics and the numerical method, on health, dis- ease, crime, vagrancy, &c., in Quy*8 Hospital Reports, the Journal of the Statistical Society, Fraser's Maga- zine, and other periodical publica- tions; of "Principles of Forensic Medicine;" of "Public Health;" of "The Factors of the Unsound Mind ; " and of " John Howard's "Winter's Journey." He is also
editor of Hooper' Vade-Mecum ; " of gfinal," first publisl cal ; and, as is wel] "The Evils of Eni several cheap tracts Mendicancy, and < social science, and Question, under the " London Physician his career Dr. Gu much of his attent reform, statistics, and allied subjects terest. He has { before public cor Feb. 1878, he was a] the Eoyal Commissi) into the working Servitude Acts, a member of the " Ci Commission." Dr. lication treats of " Science on Public 1 Support."
GtFYOT, Abnold LL.D., born nea Switzerland, Sept. 8 educated at the C< ch&tel, the gymnas gart and Carlsruhe versity of Berlin theology, but his and associations le himself to physica 1885 he took the d in the University proceeded to Paris, five years in severe scientific tours duri in France, BelgiuE Italy. From 1839 Professor of Histor Geography in the A versity of Neufch&i political revolution academy, and Aga qnaintance he had ruhe, and who ha grated to the Un duced Guyot to foll< He resided for s€ Cambridge, Massacl winter of 1848-9 1 course of lectures