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Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 1.djvu/315

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of the former Colonies of Spain, from whom a residence of three years only is required, and of all military men, whom eight years of service during the War of Independence, entitle to all the privileges of a Mexican born, (Article 21).

The President, and Vice-President, of the Federation, the Members of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Secretaries of State, and those employed in their departments, the Governors of States and Territories, Military Commandants, Archbishops, Bishops, Vicars-general, Judges of Districts, and Commissaries-general of Finance, or War, are not eligible, as Deputies, for the States, or Territories, in which they exercise their functions; and to become so, must have given up their several employments six months before the election takes place, (Articles 23, 24).

The Senate is composed of two Senators for each State, elected by a plurality of votes in the State Legislature, or Congress. The last of the two named is replaced by a new appointment at the end of two years: the first retains his seat for four. Both must be thirty years of age, and must possess all the qualifications requisite for a Deputy, (Articles 25, 26, 28, and 29).

The Congress thus constituted meets every year on the 1st of January, (Article 67,) and closes its sessions on the 15th of April; unless, either in its own opinion, or in that of the President, it be necessary to prolong them for thirty days more, (Article 71).