In the interval between the Ordinary sessions an Extraordinary Congress may be convoked, (composed always of the existing Chambers,) either by the President, or by the Council of Government, should two-thirds of its members agree upon its expediency, (Article 110).
The Congress cannot open its sessions without the presence of more than half the total number of its members, (Article 36).
Either of the Chambers can resolve itself into a Grand Jury, qualified to take cognizance of all accusations against the President, (for the crime of treason in attempting to subvert the form of Government established, or for any act manifestly tending to impede the free election of Senators and Deputies;) or against the Members of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, the Secretaries of State, and the Governors of the different States, for infractions of the Constitution, by the publication of laws contrary to the general laws of the Union, (Article 38).
Should an impeachment be decided upon by two-thirds of the Members of the Chamber, before which the accusation is preferred, the person accused is, ipso facto, suspended from his employment, and placed at the disposal of the competent tribunal, (Article 42).
Both Deputies and Senators are inviolable, and cannot, at any time, be called to account for their opinions. (Article 42.)
A yearly salary of two thousand dollars is assigned to them, (Article 45).