first leaders, too, were all priests; and although, as the struggle became more general, a more rational idea of the great object of the contest with Spain was introduced, it was still found necessary to keep up the fanaticism of the lower orders, as the strongest hold which their leaders could possess over their minds.
Foreigners kept almost entirely aloof from the contest. The struggle was decidedly amongst the Mexicans themselves; and, unfortunately, by that very portion of the community, which, instead of sharing in the feelings of hostility, entertained by the rest of their countrymen towards Spain, was induced by the recollection of the privileges which it had enjoyed under the Viceregal government, to set up the laws and institutions of Old Spain, as the best model for imitation. Purity of religion, was one of the Three Guarantees proclaimed by Iturbide and the army at Iguala; Union with Spain was another. The first rendered it impossible to omit, afterwards, in framing a constitution, a proviso which might not have been thought necessary, had it been omitted at first; and the second, by pledging the nation to adopt all such old Spaniards, as chose to remain in its territory, established a corps of observation in the very heart of the country, which examined most narrowly every act of the government, and lost no opportunity of exciting the prejudices of the people against it. If to these really difficult circumstances be added the total exclusion of foreigners