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Page:Mexico in 1827 Vol 1.djvu/384

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from the Mexican territory, until the year 1822, it must be admitted that it was not easy for the Mexican Congress, in 1824, to avoid the adoption in the Federal Act of the Religious article of the Spanish Constitution, of which the third article of that of Mexico, is, in fact, a transcript. The necessity of such a concession to the popular prejudices of the day, was, and is, bitterly lamented by the more enlightened Mexicans; and it is to time, and to the generalization of this feeling, that we must look for the removal of its cause. Much has been done towards it during the last three years. Foreigners have penetrated into every part of the Republic; and, as they have been the means of giving a new existence to the mining and agricultural interests, the prejudices formerly entertained against them, have subsided with wonderful rapidity.

In many of the States, (each of which frames a constitution in miniature, for its own special use;) the prohibitory clause in the religious article of the Federal Act, has been omitted. The right of sepulture, according to the forms of the Protestant church, which is secured to His Majesty's subjects by treaty, has not only been universally conceded, but burying grounds have been voluntarily assigned for the purpose by the local Authorities, wherever a resident foreign Consul is established. In many instances, the funerals of the more respectable individuals who have died, have been attended by a number of the natives, personal friends or acquaintances of the