deceased; and, although cases have certainly occurred, in which the repose of the tomb has been violated, I am inclined to attribute them less to fanaticism, than to cupidity, and to a mistaken belief that money was contained in the coffins, the use of which was little known amongst the Mexicans themselves.
With regard to marriages, considerable difficulties have arisen since the late influx of foreigners; nor can a Protestant yet contract marriage with a Mexican, otherwise than by professing his conversion to the Catholic faith. Between two foreigners, both of the reformed church, the marriage rite is allowed to be celebrated in the house of the Mission of the country to which they belong, and is registered as valid by the Mexican Ecclesiastical Authorities, on the transmission of a proper certificate. Such, at least, is the course which has been pursued in His Majesty's mission, and which may be regarded as a precedent for the subjects of any other power, similarly situated.
It would be an injustice to the Mexican government not to add, that in this, and every other question connected with religion, the Executive has shown the greatest attention to the complaints of foreigners, and has given them every protection, and every facility that it was possible, under present circumstances, to allow of I know not one, but many instances, in which the personal influence, both of the President and of the Ministers, has been exerted