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Cant. v. 16. He is altogether lovely.

Doctrine, 'That Jeſus Chriſt is infi nitely and ſuperlatively lovely.'

DEARLY beloved, one of Chriſt's titles is, 'The Mighty GOD:' you have it in Iſa. ix. 9. there he called 'the mighty God.' Chriſt is a King,———a King above all kings, and a King over all kings, and the King of kings, and that his laws are moſt e qual, his ſubjects moſt happy, having no other tax laid upon them than love and fear.

This title holdeth him forth, not only as a great KING, but as a great GOD, before whom, all kings and kingdoms are but as little drops, or as ſhall doſt, lſa. xl. 15. From this title 'the mighty God,' I ſhall lay down this propoſition, that Jeſus Chriſt is true and perfect God.'———That Jeſus Chriſt is true and perfect God, that is the point I ſhall inſiſt upon.

There are two ſorts of people in the world that deny my doctrine, who deny the Deity of Jeſus Chriſt, who ſay the ſecond Perſon of the Trinity is not God.