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Firſt, The unbelieving Jews,if Chriſt had come as the Jews dreamed, as a great Monarch, treading upon no- thing but crowns and ſceptres, and the necks of kings, and had all the poten tates of the earth to attend his train; I ſay, had Chriſt come in this world ly glory, pomp, and power, then it may be the Jews would have believed on him; may be then he ſhould have been their God, but now, beloved, be cauſe Chriſt came poorly and meanly, and made himſelf of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a ſer vant, as the ſcripture faith, Phil. ii. 7. He took none of his gallantry, none of his bravery upon him, but made himſelf of no reputation: And there fore the Jews ſlighted him, and diſ owned him. The Turks mock us at this day with our crucified God; '0' ſay they, 'You worſhip a crucified God;' and ſome of the Heathens ſay, They would not believe in a hanged God.' O bleſſed Jesus, thus art thou reproached and deſpiſed by the unbelieving world, becauſe thou cam eſt poorly, and diedſt ſhamefully for our ſins. They who defpiſe the death of the Lamb, ſhall ſurely feel the wrath