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religions unto none: That man's beginning was in hypocriſy, whoſe end is in apoſtacy Indifferency in religion, is the next ſtep to apoſtacy from religion.

O! do not make Him a ſtone of ſtumbling, that God hath made a ſtone for building: If the golden-chain of duty will not hold you, the iron chain of darkneſs ſhall bind you if you abuſe your liberty in one world, you will loſe your liberty in another: If you have made as much conſcience in your liberty, and you have had liberty for your conſcience, it had been well. That ſoul was never related to Chriſt, that was never devoted to Chriſt there is no obtaining the prize of happineſs without running the race of holineſs.

Oh! for the Lord's ſake, do not you be gin in the Spirit, and end in the fleſh. O do not put your hand to the plough and look backward; be not true to the father of lies and falſe to the God of truth; keep cloſe the Son of God, to the Word of God, to the Ordinances of God, to the Day of God, the Miniſters of God, to the People of God and thou wilt be ſafe. Gal. vi. 9. 'Be not weary in well-doing for in due ſeaſon you ſhall reap, if you faint not.' I ſhall wind all with that ſaying of Ignatius, " They will adhere to them, who adhere not to truth ſhall never inherit the kingdom of God."

F I N I S.

Glasgow Printed by J. & M. Robertſon, Saltmarket, 1800