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cannot eſcape the great damnation. Secondly, Believers, let me beſeech you to ſtand faſt, and to hold faſt that which you have already, Rev. ii. 19. 'Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.' He hath a crown for runners, but a curſe for runaways. As you look for happi- neſs as long as God hath a being in heaven: ſo God looketh for holineſs as long as you have a being on earth. As many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, Gal. vi. 16. To tread In any other path on earth, it is but to miſtake your way to heaven': Whilst you are on this ſide of eternity,you muſt behold the ſceptre of grace in your hands will God ſet the crown of glory upon your heads. This is the ſparkling diamond that is ſet in the apoſtle's crown, 2 Tim. iv.7. 'I have fought a good fight, I have finiſhed my courſe, I have kept the faith.' O believers ! it will Þe your happineſs, your glory, your honour another day, if in this day you be found faithful. O! do not turn your backs upon the truths of God, as too many in our days have done; they have gone from one religion unto all, at laſt they have gone from all