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is true and perfect God, he is for time, co-eternal; for nature, co-eſſential; for dignity, co-equal with his Father.

Firſt, for time, co-eternal, John xvii. 3. O Father, glorify thou me with thy ſelf, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. You ſee here, ſirs, Chriſt was before the world was, Chriſt was from everlaſting, from the beginning, Pro. viii. 23. Speaking con cerning Chriſt, 'I was ſet up from everlaſting, from the beginning, be fore ever the earth was.' And there fore Chriſt is called 'the everlaſting Father.' Iſa. ix. 6. So in Rev. i. 8. Chriſt there ſpeaking of himſelf, faith, 'I am Alpha and Omega, the begin ning and the ending, which was, and is, and is to come, the Almighty.' Mark, ſirs, Chriſt is the ſame before time, in time, and after time; which was, and is, and is to come.———Now beloved, none can be eternal but God; but Chriſt is eternal, and therefore he is God, and co-eternal with his father.

Secondly, He is for nature co-eſſential; 'I and my Father are one,' faith Chrift, John x. 30. 'There are three that bear record in heaven, the Fa- ther, the Word, and the Spirit, and