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Oh, ſaints, he that came from heaven to make us righteous, will alſo come from heaven to make us glorious, 'look ing for the bleſſed hope, and glorious appearing of Jeſus Chriſt:' not only ſo, but Chriſt is alſo called 'mighty God;' nay, not only mighty God, but again, 'God bleſſed for ever.' Chriſt is 'God bleſſed for ever.' Rom. ix. 5. Not only bleſſed for ever, but the 'true God,' I John v. 20. Jeſus Chriſt is there called the 'true God,' not only the true God, but a 'God for ever and ever.' Heb. i. 8. Mark there, 'unto the Son,' he ſaid, 'Thy throne is for ever and ever.'

The Father himſelf calls the Son God, and therefore well may we. Un to the Son he ſaid, 'Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.' Thus you ſee the doctrine fully proved, that Jeſus Chriſt is the true and perfect God. But beloved, becauſe the Deity of Chriſt is ſo much queſtioned at this day, and this being one of the ſerious and chiefeſt points in divinity, there fore I ſhall give you ſome conſidera tions, or demonſtrations, or arguments, to fortify you againſt this great error before named. Firſt, That Jeſus Chriſt