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hath commanded us to give the ſame honour to Chriſt which is due to him ſo that it is no blaſphemy at all, certainly, to equal Chriſt with God,, ſo in him are the riches of the Deity, and all the fulneſs of the Godhead dwells bodily in him: as you may ſee, Col. ii. 9. This is the firſt argument. He is ſo time co-eternal, for nature, co-eſſential for dignity, co-equal with the Father.

Secondly, I ſhall lay down this argument to prove the Deity of Jeſus Chriſt: Conſider the work of creation ſurely he that made heaven and earth muſt needs be a God, you will yield to this; ſo faith the Lord himſelf———'All the gods that have not made heaven and earth, ſhall periſh from the earth and from under heaven,' Jer. X. 11.——— But now, beloved, Jeſus Chriſt made the heavens and the earth and all things therein, and therefore he is God: ſee a few ſcriptures for this, John i. 3. 'A1l things were made by him,' mark, this is by Chriſt, 'all things were made by him, and without him was nothing made that was made.' Col. i. 16. 'By him were all things created in heaven and in earth, viſible and inviſible all things were made by him, and