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for him.' So again, John i. 10. 'He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.'———Now, beloved, had Chriſt been leſs than God, he could not have made heaven and earth, and therefore he is God of glory, the great God that now fits upon the throne; for he cre- ated the heavens and the earth, and all things therein.

Thirdly, That Chriſt is the true and perfect God, appears, if you conſider the works and miracles which he did in the days of his fleſh; here is ano- ther unanſwerable argument to prove the Godhead of Jeſus Chriſt. The winds and the ſeas obey him, the devils come out of the poſſeſſed, the blind received their fight, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the dumb ſpakė, lepers were cleanſed, the dead were raiſed, the ſick were healed. Oh, who could do this but God, as you may ſee, Mat. xxi. 5. But you may ſay, the Apoſtles did great miracles, and yet were not gods, why? it is true, they did great miracles, but In whoſe name did they do them? Was it in their own names, and by their own power? No, beloved, they them- ſelves confeſs the contrary, Acts iv. 1o.