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Cocos Indica, its remarkable geographical distribution, 141, 149; not seen on the banks of the Congo, 161

Cola, the African name of the seed of Sterculia acuminata, 153

Colchicum, on the genus and its subdivisions, and on the species in the collection from Central Africa, 298300

Collomia, spiral vessels in the seeds of, 549

Combretaceæ, character of the order and observations on its distribution in Terra Australis, 19

Compositæ, observations on the class and its distribution in Terra Australis, 30; on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 128; proportions of the order in various countries, 128-9; species found in in Central Africa, 295; ovulum of, how differing from the usual structure, 448

Confluence, explanation of the sense in which the term is used, 562-3

Congo, observations on the Herbarium collected by Professor Christian Smith in the vicinity of the, 97; number of species in the Herbarium, 99; proportion of Dicotyledonous, Monocotyledonous, and Acotyledonous, 100; comparison with collections from other parts of the West Coast of Africa, found by Adanson, Smeathman, Brass, and Afzelius, ibid.; the vegetation of its banks compared with other parts of the West Coast of Africa, 152162; with the flora of Abyssinia and Egypt, 162; of South Africa, 163; of the Cape de Verd Islands, St. Helena, Madagascar, and the Isles of France and Bourbon, 163; of India, 163-4; of Equinoctial America, ibid.; proportion of new genera and species in the Congo Herbarium, 172; esculent plants of, 154-162.

Coniferæ, observations on the order, and on its distribution in Terra Australis, 46; on the structure of the female parts of fructification, ibid.; on the plurality and development of the embryos in the seeds of, 565575; memoir on the development of the embryo in Coniferæ, by MM. de Mirbel and Spach, 572-3; areolæ or corpuscula observed in all the European genera of, by Dr. Schleiden, 574; agreement of structure between axis of stem and strobilus in, 588

Coniferæ and Cycadeæ, on the structure of the female flower in, 453461; the ovulum naked in, 453; plurality of embryos in, 455; opinions of authors respecting, 455-7

Connaraceæ, observations on the order and its distinguishing characters, and on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 112

Convolvulaceæ, observations on the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 135; in Central Africa, 296

Convolvulus Batatas not met with on the banks of the Congo, 161

Cotyledons, on the value of certain modifications of the cotyledons in characterising sections and genera in Cruciferæ, 263

Cratæva, observations on the genus, its characters, and distribution, 277-8

Cratæva Adansonii, the only known African species, 277

Cruciferæ form with Capparideæ, Resedaceæ, Papaveraceæ and Fumariaceæ, a natural class, 272

Cruciferæ, observations on the structure and arrangement of the order, and on the species found in Central Africa, 261272; on the structure of the dissepiment, 269271; on the structure of the pistillum in, 270 note; stigmata and placentæ of the adjoining cells confluent in, 559

Cryptogamous plants, number of published species [in 1814], 7; number of Australian species known [in 1814], 7; proportion of in Terra Australis, 9; how far this proportion is influenced by climate, 9

Cucurbitaceæ, their relation to Passifloreæ, 121; anthers of, 461

Cultivated plants of the banks of the Congo, chiefly introduced, 155