Cunningham, Allan, plants collected by, in various parts of New Holland, 338; examined Kingia in its native place, 435
Cunninghamia, origin of the ovulum in, 458; analogy of male and female organs in, 461; note on its nomenclature, 461
Cunoniaceæ, character of the order, and observations on its distribution in Terra Australis, 20
Cuticular pores (stomata) not found on the surface of the column, perianthium, or bracteæ of Rafflesia, 377; do not perhaps exist in the imperfect leaves of plants parasitic on roots, ibid.
Cycadeæ not found in equinoctial Africa, 149
Cycadeæ, plurality of embryos in, known to M. de Mirbel in 1810, 573; corpuscula within the apex of the albumen of, noticed by Du Petit Thouars in 1804, ibid.; formation of corpuscula in the albumen of, entirely independent of male influence, 575
Cycadeæ and Coniferæ, on the structure of the female flower in, 453–461, 568; the ovulum naked in, 453; arguments in favour of this view, 454; objections to it, 454, 455; plurality of embryos in, 455, 568; opinions of authors regarding, 455—457; Linnæus, 455; Trew, 456; Jussieu, 456; Lambert, 456; Salisbury, 456; Mirbel and Schoubert, 456; Richard, 457; origin of the ovulum, 458-9; analogy of male and female flowers in 458—461; pollen and antheræ of, 459, 460
Cycas, origin of the ovulum in, 458; analogy of male and female flowers in, 459
Cynanchum (Vincetoxicum) nigrum, its pollen masses and their phenomena observed, 529
Cyperaceæ, observations on the order, and on its distribution in Terra Australis, 54; further observations on the order, its proportions, geographical distribution, and the species found in the vicinity of the Congo, 142; in Central Africa, 300
Cypripedium, position of lateral stamina in, 499; composition of stigma in, 503; structure of its flower described, 561
Cytineæ, a tribe of Rafflesiaceæ, 411; its characters, 428
Cytinus, nearly related to Asarinæ, 385; and to Rafilesia, 396; compared with Rafflesia, 404—410; structure of its ovarium, 404-5; mucous tubes of its pollen observed, 407-8; seeds and embryo, 410; its characters, 428; characters of species, 428-9
Cytisus Cajan of the banks of the Congo, probably introduced from India, 159
Dacrydium, structure of the ovulum in, 455; origin of the ovulum, 458; analogy of male and female organs in, 460
Dampier, William, plants brought by him from Shark's Bay and other parts of the W. Coast of New Holland, 7
Datisceæ form an order very distinct from Resedaceæ, 285
Dawsonia, character of the genus, and observations on its affinities, 348—351
Denham, Major, plants collected by, in Central Africa, 257, 303
Deviation in number of parts, in some instances derived not from suppression but from confluence, 39
Dilleniaceæ, observations on the order and its distribution in Terra Australis, 12
Dioscorea of the banks of the Congo, probably a native species, 160
Diosmeæ, observations on the order and its distribution in Terra Australis, 16
Dissepiment in Cruciferæ, its value in the formation of genera, 269—271
Dracaena Draco, its anatomical structure, 439
Drummond, Dr. James, his observations on moving particles in the eyes of fishes, 484-5
East Coast of equinoctial Africa, relation of its vegetation to that of the West Coast, 162