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7i] lato-linearia, falcata, denticulis interpetiolaribus. Cymce trifidse, laterales et terminales. Patria. Nova Hollandia tropica.

Obs. I have named this genus in memory of Sir Andrew Balfour, the founder of the Edinburgh Botanic Garden and Museum, of whose merits in natural history, especially in botany, an interesting account is given by his friend Sir Robert Sibbald, in a small volume, entitled, " Memoria Balfouriana."

NERIUM. [Nerii sp. Linn, et Juss.

Char. Corolla hypocrateriformis. Faux coronata fo- liolis lacero-multifidis. Limbi laciniis tortis, inaequalateris, ecaudatis.

Stamina. Filamenta medio tubo inserta. Anther a sagittatse aristata3, medio stigmati cohaerentes.

Ovaria 2. Stylus 1, filiformis, apice dilatato. Stigma obtusum.

Squama nullse hypogynse .... denticuli in basi calycis, extra corollam.

Folliculi cylindracef.

Habitus. Frutices erecti. Folia tenia, elongata, coria- cea, venis namerosis, parallelis.

Patria. India Orien talis.

72] Obs. The only true species of Nerium are, N. Ole- ander, odorum, and probably salicinum, Forsk.

Nerium Zeylanicum and antidysentericum, form a very distinct genus, which I have named Wrightia. N. coro- narium is probably a Tabernamontana, and N. divaricatum, from an examination of the specimen in Hermann's Her- barium, on which this species entirely rests, I believe to be the same plant. Nerium obesum, Forsk., seems to be sui generis : it cannot, at least, be a Nerium.

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