Page:Monthly scrap book, for February.pdf/19

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peeping into the hole, which he found went right through the wall into a lumber-room, wherein a heap of damaged hides appeared marked with the initials of Timmy Grogan, the Cashel tanner. The bird, who was perched on a broken piece of furniture, at a distant part of the room, after gazing for a considerable time at his rifled treasure-hole, shook his head, and in a most rueful tone, exclaimed, for the last time, as he hopped off, "Oho! man o' th' leather!"



Irish Love of Fighting.—Some peasants belonging to opposite factions had met under peculiar circumstances; there were, however, two on one side and four on the other. In this case, there was likely to be no fight; but in order to balance the number, one of the more numerous party joined the weak side; "Bekase, boys, it would be a burnin' shame, so it would, for four to kick two; and, except I join them, by the Powers, there's no chance of there being a bit of sport, or a row at all at all!" Accordingly he did join them, and the result of it was, that he and his party were victorious—so honestly did he fight.

Effects of Sudden Fright.—An instance occurred on Friday last, in the family of Charles Brendren, esq., Bayswater-road, of the lamentable consequences attendant on the very reprehensible practice of "frightening in fun" as it is