Page:Monthly scrap book, for February.pdf/20

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termed. One of Mr Brenden's sons, about 12 years of age, dressed himself in a white sheet and a hideous featured mask, and laying in wait for the house-maid, he suddenly jumped upon her as she was passing along the scullery passage to the kitchen, and clasped her in his arms. She uttered a loud scream of terror, and fell down in a state of insensibility. Her fellow-servants endeavoured to re-animate her, but were unable, and it was found necessary to send for medical assistance. By the aid of powerful stimulants she was recovered, after remaining insensible for upwards of three hours; but the shock and fright she sustained have entirely turned her brain! She has not uttered a word since, and when spoken to by any person, takes not the slightest notice, but will continue sitting in one position, gazing vacantly for eight or nine hours at a time. It has been necessary to use force to compel her to take sufficient nourishment. She is twenty years of age, and was a merry good tempered girl; but by a mischievous frolic, she is likely to remain in a state of idiotcy for life.—Sunderland Herald.

Bridewell Keeper Nonplussed.—A young and rather sheepish-looking fellow, who had been condemned for some misdemeanor to pass a short time in our House of Correction, on being ushered in was asked by the keeper if he could weave. He replied "No." The keeper then went over all the different kinds of bridewell work, asking if he could do any of them.—But he still received the same answer. Being rather nettled, he ex-