Page:Monthly scrap book, for February.pdf/22

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A Killer.—Little Maggy Smith of Balcaskie, the daughter of the game-keeper there, is a first rate shot. It is not unusual to see Maggy, on a morning, trudging to school with her fowling piece over her shoulder, followed by a number of dogs, who are exceedingly fond of their little mistress, and who regularly participate with her at dinner time, the allowance of bread and cheese with which her pockets are usually plentifully supplied. Maggy is a general favourite in the neighbourhood; and indeed there may be something of selfishness in this, for a rabbit or two occasionally—her usual compliment—is generally speaking, no unwelcome douceur, and may act as a sort of bounty to the cultivation of Maggy's good graces. Some time ago, on an extraordinary occasion, her father-the old game-keeper-had rather partaken largely in the festivities going forward at Balcaskie, so that he was found next morning, to be wholly unfit for the functions of his office. The crisis was an important one to his family; for a peremptory demand had just come from Balcaskie House for a certain quantity of game. Maggy willingly officiated in the emergency, and sallied forth with gun, bag, and belt, and soon procured the necessary supply. She actually bagged, it is said, a couple of pheasants, a brace of wood-cocks, and a hare. So much for Maggy Smith's deadly eye! If it is such a killer now, when she is only about 12 or 14 years of age, what will it not do in two or three years hence?—We opine manslaughter right and left to a certainty.Fife Herald.