Page:Monthly scrap book, for February.pdf/21

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claimed "What the d—l is the use of you, sir—can you do anything at all?" "Yes," replied the young fellow, "I can ca' (drive) a cart as weel as ony man in Paisley."

Cost of Armies.—M. Thiers, a Deputy, made an estimate lately in the French Chamber, of the sum paid for the services of each soldier in the different armies of Europe. According to him, the whole expence of feeding, clothing. &c. each man in the French army is £29; in the English £98; in the Prussian £40; in the Austrian £26. This estimate, however, in what relates to England, includes the Ordnance expenses, garrisons, half-pay, &c. and is of too loose a nature to be worth much. Perhaps he is a little more correct in the following statement, viz. that each general officer costs, on an average, in France, £600; in Austria £602: in England £1280; in Prussia; £960; in Bavaria £800.

Free Trade to the Lawyers.—A man from the country applied lately to a respectable solicitor in this town for legal advice. After detailing the circumstances of the case, he was asked if he had stated the facts exactly as they occurred. "Ou ay, sir," rejoined the applicant, "I thought it best to tell you the plain truth; you can put the lees till't yoursel'.