Page:Monthly scrap book, for June.pdf/23

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A Hard Law.—At Sparta, a man was liable to an action for not marrying at all, for marrying too late, and for marrying improperly.

Club Law.—At Lacedemon, upon a certain feast, the women drag those men who were not married round an altar, and beat them with clubs, that the scandal of this treatment might induce them to avoid it, by desiring to become fathers, and marry at a proper time.

The Civil Law.—The Roman law lent all its aid to a point so national and interesting; for we learn from Dionyssius Halicarnassensis, that their old law compelled those who were of a proper age to marry, and it was a branch of the Censor's office to see it put into execution.

Commentary on the Civil Law.—When it is urged against this coercing power, that matrimony should be free, it is granted as to any particular person. Your consent is not compelled to Titia or Sempronia. The State has a right to your contribution in general, but leaves you to choose the party at your own discretion.

A Pious Pinch.—During the better days of Presbyterianism—when the ministers' stipends were one half less. and their labours of love one half more- snuff-taking was reckoned among the foolish vices, and of course was considered a luxury not to be countenanced by the cloth. One worthy divine, however, had swerved a little in his youth from the virtue of total abstemiousness, and among other College sins that had beset him, that of snuff-taking clung to his reverence with unconquerable tenacity. He never, however, forgot his gravity so far as to indulge in a pinch during sermon, until one close, warm, weary afternoon, when the hearts of the congregation were heavy, and his eyelids threatened every moment to follow the example of their neighbours. He hemmed, stamped, and struck the pulpit till his fingers dinneled; (illegible text)t all would not do, for the clouds were charged with electricity, the kirk was heated like a baker's oven, and the drowsy audience were fast dropping away into the balmy dominion of Morpheus. At this critical juncture, the minister's eye caught an honest countryman in the act of opening a huge mull, and resuscitating his drooping spirits with a hearty sneezer. "Ah! John!" exclaimed the Divine, taking out his own snuff-horn, "I see what ye're about there! yer taking snuff, John!— (illegible text) needna deny't!—Here's the way ye did, John. Ye took out yer (illegible text)ll, this way, see; and ye took a pinch as big as that, John; and (illegible text) played this, and this-iss-iss, (inhaling nearly a goupin of macouba); which is a great sin, John.—But to resume our discourse, &c." There was no more sleeping in the kirk, that afternoon at least.

Mocking Bird—The musical powers of this bird have often been taken notice of by European naturalists, and persons who find pleasure in listening to the song of different birds, whilst in confinement or at large. Some of these persons have described the notes of the nightingale as occassionally fully equal to those of our bird. I have frequently heard both species in confinement, and in the wild state, and without prejudice, have no hesitation in pronouncing the names of the European (illegible text)lomel (illegible text) equal to that of a Soubrette of taste, which, could she study