Page:Monthly scrap book, for June.pdf/24

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under a Mozart, might perhaps in time become very interesting in her way. But to compare her essays to the finished talent of the mocking bird, is in my opinion, quite absurd.

Chiltren Hundreds.—The Steward of the Chiltren Hundreds is a nominal office, with a salary of. Twenty Shillings, which may be said to be nominal also, for it is, we believe never paid. A member of Parliament cannot resign his trust simply; but he may lose it by committing a crime, or accepting an office from the Crown, and the Stewardship alluded to is an office of this description.

Tea Drinking—There is now living in Advocates Close, High Street, a woman of the name of Mackintosh, aged 95, who says she has herself used a quarter of a pound of tea every week since she was 2 years of age, so that she has consumed the enormous quantity of 97 pounds weight, amounting, on an average of 6s per lb., to £292 10s The duty on tea is 100 per cent., she has paid to government the sum of £146 5s for that article. This is a good customer. She deserves a pyramid to her memory in Canton!


Continue to plant cabbages, cauliflower, and savoys, for a late crop. Plant out leeks and brocoli. Transplant celery, endive, and lettuces, and sow sallad seeds every eight or ten days. Sow full crops of turnips, both yellow and white; also field turnip, white, green, red, and Swedish. Sow beet, red, white, and green, in drills, about an inch deep, and ten or twelve inches distant. H(illegible text) beans and pease; top the former, and stick the latter. A few of the early kind of each may be sown the first (illegible text) second week for the latest crop. Gather and dry sw(illegible text) and pot herbs as they come to bloom. Train wall tr(illegible text) and espaliers. Secure young trees against wind, and water them in dry weather. Mow grass walks in the morning, before the dew is off. Clean and roll grass walks.

June 1st.

Sun rises,


All Twilight,—no real night during the whole of this month.







June 30th.

Sun rises,

