Page:Monthly scrap book, for May.pdf/21

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thought the finest of his tulips, which I found received all their value from their rarity and oddness, and put me in mind of your great fortunes, which are not always the greatest beauties. I have of ten looked upon it as a piece of the greatest happiness, that I have never fallen into any of these fantastical tastes, nor esteemed any thing the more for its being uncommon and hard to be met with.



In no other country is the great and engrossing business of courtship conducted in so romantic a manner as among the rural swains of Scotland. Excepting among the higher classes, who have time entirely at their own disposal, night is the season in which rural lovers breathe their vows,' and in which their rural sweethearts 'hear them.' Let the night be 'ne'er sae wild,' and the swain 'ne'er sae weary,' if he has an engagement upon his hands, he will perform it at all hazards; he will climb mountains, leap burns, or wade rivers, not only with indifference, but enthusiasm; and, wrapped in his plaid, he will set at naught the fury of the elements, the wrath of rivals, and the attacks of the midnight robber.

I have known several instances of young men, who toiled all day at the plough, the harrows, or the scythe, walking fifteen miles to see their sweethearts, after the hour of nine in the evening, and returning in time for their work on the ensuing morn. And this, be it observed, was not done