Page:Monthly scrap book, for May.pdf/22

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once or twice, but repeatedly-week after week, for several months. Twenty miles of a journey, upon an errand of such a nature, is regarded as a trifle by many a young farmer who has a spare horse to carry him.

During these stolen interviews, if a mutual attachment subsist between the parties, another assignation is always made, and never was oath more religiously kept than is this simple compact, ratified by no other ceremony than a parting kiss, or a tender shake of the hand. Time appears to have leaden wings with both, until the hour of meeting again arrives; and then the swain sets out anew with alacrity, be it rain, sleet, snow, murky, or moonlight. His fair one, true to her trust, has by this time eluded the vigilance of father and mother, of maid or man servant, and has noiselessly lifted the latch, undrawn the door-bar, or escaped by the window, and awaits him with fond impatience at the favourite spot, which they have consecrated to their love. He joyfully beholds her in the distance as he approaches, gliding like an apparition from the house, and sauntering about until his arrival; and she, not less attentive to every thing that is stirring, perceives him like a shadow amidst the distant dimness, watches him as his figure becomes more distinct, recognises his gait, his air, his every peculiarity, and at last, on the strength of her conviction, runs to throw herself into his arms, and bid him welcome.

In this way courtships are so secretly conducted, that it is frequently never known, excepting among the nearest friends of the respective parties, that a