Page:Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse.pdf/182

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Real benevolence imparts willingly, and is thankful to Him who furnishes an opportunity of so doing. Fashionable benevolence aids those in situations which are applauded among men, and repeats how much she has given. Covetousncss sometimes parts with a portion of its gains, fancying it will merit either prosperity or favour from God. My Saviour! is this the lesson of benevolence which thou hast taught us, and is it of little consequence how we obey thy perfect law of love?


Infidelity often shelters itself under the mask of love to mankind, and a desire to break the shackles of superstition. Thus have many who are called Philosophers been, for a long time, labouring to undermine the fabric of enjoyment and hope. Can it advance the felicity of man to disbelieve the existence of a God? Or quicken him to watchfulness to cast away the idea of his own accountability?


How often do we have cause to lament that our good resolutions are weakened by the cares and perplexities of life, and frequently overthrown by sudden and unexpected occurrences!