Page:Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse.pdf/183

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Let us not seek the applause of men, or the pomp and vanity of life; for they will prove hindrances to the race eternal. But let us patiently bear every appointed trial, looking unto Him who, for our sakes, was content to bear reproach and to be crucified.


The Almighty alone can soften our disappointments, that they may not weaken the strength of the inward man; and apply them, so as to change our losses into gain, and our tears into victory.


Of how little value are the flowers and thorns, the obstacles, or accommodations, of this narrow region, through which we pass as travellers and as strangers? What avails it where we pitch our tent which may be shaken and destroyed in a moment; or what reception we meet at the inn where we must remain but for a night, if we are at last found worthy to be numbered with angels, and to have our lot among the saints?


How does the office of a parent, call for all the teachings of affection, and all the vigilance of ex-