the exact measured middle of the plaza at two p.m., in ordinary clothes.
"Third. The combatants may carry guns, but they must be unloaded and only usable as clubs.
"Fourth. Knives forbidden; biting and gouging likewise, as ladies will be present.
"Fifth. If either fails to lock up the other, points will be allowed and the struggle resumed on the followin' day.
"Sixth. If the fight ends in a draw, the combatants will draw lots and the loser will leave the town for a month.
"Seventh. After winning the winner will pay loser's fare to Fort Worth, and loser will undertake to stay there one month.
"There was other rules which I disremember, and me and Ed Smith (Keeley's chief supporter) and the doctor was made umpires. And I can tell you we had some business to transact. For it soon got put around the country what was going on, and every cowboy within sixty miles came in howling and hot to see the show. The town, bein' excited and generous and sportin', put up barriers at the