public expense around the locality in the plaza where the fight was to be, for we reckoned it was goin' to advertise Painted Rock some and no mistake. And then the day came, and Ginger and Keeley and me and Ed Smith and the doctor (his name was Whalley, and he died of drink later) stepped out into the plaza, like as if we was toreadors in a bull-ring, and the crowd shouted something prodigious, and swayed till the barriers cracked. And the windows was full, and so was the roofs, and the roof of the gaol was packed likewise. And I said, 'Gentlemen, Mr. Keeley and Mr. Gillett, shake hands.' And they shook hands, and made a fine sight, two real good men with their eyes like coals and all ready. And Ed Smith, who warn't goin' to allow me to do all the oratin', said, 'Now, gentlemen, at the word "Go" you will endeavour to arrest each other for the sake of law and order.' And then the doctor he chipped in and said, 'Go!' And the trouble began at two sharp, and it began perfectly curious. For Ginger smiled, and he said, 'Mr. Keeley, I'll trouble you to come along with me this fifty yards to the calaboose!'