as when they assembled for worship. But we will not dwell upon this part of our history. A particular recital of such scenes of fanaticism, gives too much pain to the intelligent mind, and excites a contempt for our species.
We would here, barely ask the subjects of this delusion, and all others who may become so, whether it be possible, that the great and intelligent Ruler of the Universe, can be thus miraculously engaged in bestowing all sorts of language upon a few people merely for their own amusement?—languages that can neither benefit themselves, or any one else, because no one can understand them. For the full introduction of the Gospel, the gift of tongues was wisely confered upon the Apostles & some others who were engaged in its first promulgation. But for what purpose? was it a mere pastime to them, by means of which they could divert each other, while assembled in their private rooms, without knowing the import of any thing they said? If such were the facts, then these modern tongues may be genuine—But no—they were for a wiser and more noble purpose—a purpose every way worthy of that exalted Being. The gospel was to be proclaimed and published to "every creature," to perhaps a hundred different nations, all speaking a distinct tongue—and to be preached, too, by a small number of men, who had been taught only a single language. Whenever they spoke in a language not their own, it was most clearly understood, by themselves and others, who had assembled from various nations, without the interventien of soothsayers, or one pretending to have the "spirit of interpretation." Will any one presume to compare the wisdom of God in those manifestations, with what has been related by Smith and his followers? Yes—a distorted imagination can discover infinitely more power and glory in the unintelligible jargon of Mormonism.
If what has been exhibited here, are truly languages, they