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must be such as are spoken and understood by human beings somewhere otherwise the names of "tongues" or languages will not attach to them. But they are a mere gibberish. If these people had the "gift of tongues," as they impudently assert, how much more consistent with rationality, and worthy of the Deity, would it appear for them to show it forth and test its true character, before an audience of French or Spanish, or some of the numerous Indian tribes in our country, all speaking different tongues, and to whom they profess to be more especially sent? No—such an attempt would explode the whole system of folly and delusion. It would seem that they would much rather be talking their nonsense to each other, and declaring it to the world as an extraordinary manifestation of the power of God.


The difficulties which had been for some time accumulating between the inhabitants of Missouri and the followers of Smith, began now to assume a more serious aspect. About a year previous, a small newspaper had been started at Independence, in which were published, monthly, the orders and decrees of the prophet, which were called revelations, together with all the other wild and fanatical dogmas of the sect. Like pilgrims to the tomb of Mahomet, they continued to wend their way from different parts, to the "promised land." To accomplish this journey was the