Page:Most strange and wonderful prophecy in the year 1684 (1).pdf/4

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their Friends, but then that shall not long laste.

This Prince he shall have long Wars with France, but not for the Truth shall they contend; this Prince shall be plucked away and lose his Life by sudden Accident or Treachery.

A Queen shall be seen in England, in Her Time you shail not know your M- --from your C--- for in their Apostacie they shall joyn with subtile Thoughts & Subtile Liberties: then shall Scotland promise themselves Peace and Safety, when they have sold our C---------s, yea Sworn against them! O Scotland, well art thou now, thou art in a peaceable Possession, thou hast both Law and Gospel, thou sees nothing wrong with thee! O Scotland, I will tell thee thou haft a dreadful Blaft to bide, the like thereof thou never suffered, shalt be both Sifted and
