Page:Most strange and wonderful prophecy in the year 1684 (1).pdf/5

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Fanned, and great shall thy Distress be, yea the very Godly shall be hopeless of Relief, and shall not

know what hand to turn to. O LORD fails thy word for evermore? Yet despair not, for inthe midst of thy Grief and Trouble, there shall come a People out of a Wood, and pull a Dead Man out of his Grave, who shall relieve the Spouse of Christ, for the Enemies of GOD shall not be able to stand before that Noble Army, for Sun and Moon shall Fight in their course from Heaven with the remnant of thee O Scotland, and then shall his Enemies be mastered by the Power of GOD and not of Men, then joy shall arise to Man and Wife, the Sorrowful shall be still from Strife, and the Spouse of Christ shall sing joyfully, Praising Her Redeemer for all her Deliverances, then shall the Covenant be Renewed, and the Renewing of
