Page:Most strange and wonderful prophecy in the year 1684 (1).pdf/7

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ver entered into the Church of Christ; upon the back of that shall the Conversion of the Jews be, & they shall come to thee O Scotland, and receive theGospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in a goodly manner shall they come, every Man giving an account of his Tribe; yea, the News of this shall make the Turk tremble and be afraid:the Army shall go through the Turks Bounds, the Turk shall say the Christians GOD hath done great things for them,and then the Turk shall become Christian. Before this be accomplished many Professours shall fall away like Dross, ae Malachi cryed out. Who shall abide the Day of his coming, and who shall shand when he appeareth, for he is like a Refiners Fire and Fullers Sope, he shall sit as a Refiner of Gold and Silver, and Refine the Sons of Levi, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in Righteousness.
