Page:Most strange and wonderful prophecy in the year 1684 (1).pdf/6

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the Covenant shall make the People Tremble like the Hand Writing upon the Wall before Belshazzar, The Pope’s Countenance shall be changed, and his Thoughts shall trouble him, his Joints and Loins shall be loosed, and his Knees shall smite one another, and the Throne of Iniquity will come to an end; yea the LORD shaIl make good his Promise to put it in the hearts of the Kings of the Earth to hate the Whore, and to Burn her flesh with Fire! O my Friends think not long, the time is at hand, but great is the Mystery of theBeast, and except the Days of Iniquity should be shortned, the very Elect should be in danger of being saved, but for the Elects sake these Days shall be shortned! O poor Scotland for all the ills thou hast done, out of thee that Army shall go that shall overthrow Popery and Prelacy, and all unclean things that e-
