Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/181

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Fortune played into the hands of our friends in two ways as they sought to capture the wreckers. Otherwise the desperate men might have gotten away, so quickly did they dash out of the clearing at the first alarm.

But, as he ran along, big Hemp Danforth, the leader of the criminals, stumbled and fell. Right behind him was sturdy Tom Cardiff, and the assistant lighthouse keeper was quick to take advantage of the chance thus put in his way.

"I've got you!" he yelled, as he fairly threw himself on the prostrate wrecker. "I've got you! Give up, you varmint!"

There was a struggle, none the less desperate because the wrecker was underneath. The two rolled on the ground until Tom got a grip on his opponent. Then, by putting forth his enormous strength, Tom quickly subdued the man.

"Give up, I tell you!" panted Tom, breathing hard. "I'll teach you to wreck ships. Give up!"