Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/182

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"I give up!" was the sullen response.

With a quick turn of the ropes he had brought, Tom had the wrecker trussed up.

Meanwhile the others had been busy. The secret service men had each tackled a man, and had him secure by now, while Joe and Blake, by mutual agreement picking out another member of the party had, after a struggle, succeeded in tying him, too.

But the wreckers outnumbered our friends two to one, and some, if not all, of the desperate characters might have escaped had not reinforcements appeared. These were in the shape of four sturdy fishermen from the little colony where the moving picture boys lived.

"Oh, if we could only capture the others!" cried Tom Cardiff, when he had finished with his man, and saw some of the wreckers struggling to make their way through the thick bush. "Come on, boys!" he yelled to his friends. "When you finish with those fellows keep after the rest of the gang, though I'm afraid they'll give us the slip."

"No, they won't!" cried a new voice, and then appeared the husky toilers of the sea, armed with stout clubs. At the sight of them the wreckers not yet captured gave up in despair. Counting those tied up, the forces were now equal, and as Mr. Hadley had taken all the moving pictures