Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/52

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The boys were made welcome again at Big B ranch, and talked over once more the exciting time that had happened to them there when the Indians stampeded the cattle.

"Here are the films you left with me," said Mr. Alden, giving the boys those they had made of the cattle stampede and of the cowboys doing their stunts. "And so you got other good ones?"

"Yes, fine ones," replied Blake. "And we must soon be getting back to Flagstaff. We have stayed away longer than we meant to, and Mr. Hadley and Mr. Ringold may need our services."

But the boys at the ranch would not hear of their starting for a few days, and so Joe and Blake stayed on, being royally entertained. They witnessed a round-up and the branding of cattle, but could get no pictures, as their films were all used up. However, the subjects had often been filmed before, so there was no great regret.

Then came a time when they had to say farewell, and they turned their horses' heads toward Flagstaff. The cowboys gave them a parting salute of cheers and blank cartridges, riding madly around meanwhile.

"It reminds me of the Indian attack," said Blake.

"Yes," assented Joe. "I wonder if we'll go through another scare like that?"