Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/53

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"I hope not," spoke his chum; but, though they did not know it, they were destined to face many more perils in the pursuit of their chosen calling.

The ride to Flagstaff from Big B ranch was without incident. It was through a fairly well settled part of the country, as settlements go in Arizona, and they made it in good time. Joe often talked about the strange fate that had put him on the track of his father.

"I wonder what kind of a man he'll be?" he often said to his chum.

"The best ever!" Blake would answer; "that is, if he's anything like you—and I think he must be."

"That's very nice of you, and I hope he does turn out to be what I wish him to be. I can't even picture him in my mind, though."

"Well, I should think he'd be something like your uncle—even if they were only half-brothers."

"If he is, I suppose it will be all right, though Uncle Bill is a little too wild to suit me. I'd want my father to be more settled in life."

"Well, it won't be a great while before you know," consoled Blake.

The boys received a royal welcome from Mr. Hadley and the members of the theatrical troupe.

"Oh, but it's good to see you back!" exclaimed Birdie Lee to Blake, as she shook hands with