Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/94

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"Without food and water for days, and I'm expected to be funny!" exclaimed the comedian, with a groan. "Oh, why did I ever get into this business? I'll not do it!"

"Oh you're only supposed to be starving and thirsty," explained Mr. Ringold. "If you want, you can take some sandwiches and cold coffee with you, and have lunch—but don't do it when the cameras are working. It wouldn't look well in the moving pictures to have a note on the screen saying that the shipwrecked persons were starving, and then show you chewing away; would it, now?"

"No, I suppose not," admitted C. C., with a sigh. "Oh, but this is a miserable business, though! I'm sure I'll be drowned before we get through with it!"

"Oh, cheer up!" called Miss Lee, but there seemed to be no need for the advice, for a moment later C. C. broke forth into a comic song.

While the preparations for producing the wreck scene were under way, there was small need for the services of the boys, and they made ready to go to San Francisco.

"Even if he has gone away somewhere," suggested Blake, "he may have left some address where you can reach him."